Hiba Iqbal
Hiba Iqbal22 days ago
Anatomy of Peritoneum

Anatomy of Peritoneum

This video gives a detailed description of the peritoneum and peritoneal cavity. It explains some of the key differences between male and female peritoneum. The video has also covered all the intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal organs along with the mnemonics to memorize them. Timeline: 00:00 introduction 01:05 serous membrane 01:37 mesothelium 0:1:55 peritoneum 04:16 diff btw peritoneum and mesothelium 04:41 peritoneal sac 10:13 greater omentum 12:30 lesser omentum 14:21 diff btw female and male peritoneum 16:10 innervation of peritoneum 18:27 vasculature of peritoneum 18:57 retroperitoneal and intraperitoneal organs 23:25 summary

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