engelbidoover 3 years ago

What is a heel spur?

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over 3 years ago

Heel spurs are bony projection on the heels that cause pain and inconvenience while walking and wearing shoes. Heel spurs occur due to deposition of calcium at the underside of the heels. This may happen due to repeated strain on foot muscles and continuous tearing of heel bone and healing. These can be detected clinically, with an X-ray and may extend to half an inch. Major factors that can lead to heel spurs are: running or jogging on hard surfaces, obesity, diabetes, shoes lacking proper arch support, continuous physical activity, flat feet or high arch. To treat heel spurs one can use anti-inflammatory medication or custom made orthotics. If these methods fail, then surgical intervention may be required. Procedure comprises of making incision and removing the excess bone using a specialized instrument.

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