Virgil Elliottabout 3 years ago

How can jugular venous pressure (JVP) be differentiated from Carotid arterial pressure?

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about 3 years ago

1-impalpable 2-two peak per one cardiac beat 3-inward movement 4-hepatojugualr pressure 5-affect by pressure at the root of the neck

about 3 years ago

Jugular venous pressure (JVP) can be distinguished from Carotid arterial pulse on the basis of following features: JUGULAR VENOUS PRESSURE (JVP) 1. Movement: Rapid inward movement 2. Peaks per heartbeat: Two peak per heartbeat 3. Palpation: Not easily palpable 4. Visibility: better visible 5. Position: Changes with the position of subject 6. Respiration: Falls with inspiration and rises with expiration 7. Abdominal pressure: Rises with rise in abdominal pressure 8. Pulsations decreases with pressure at the root of the neck CAROTID ARTERIAL PRESSURE 1. Movement: Rapid outward movement 2. Peaks per heartbeat: One peak per heartbeat observed 3. Palpation: Palpable on examination 4. Visibility: not visible 5. Position: Does not change with position 6. Respiration: Does not change with respiration 7. Abdominal pressure: No change is observed 8. Pulsations do not decrease with pressure at the root of the neck

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