MEDizzy Videosabout 8 years ago
Detailed description about Signs and symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Detailed description about Signs and symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

The attached video provides easy description of signs and symptoms related to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. All the signs and symptoms are explained nicely. Complications and associated conditions are also discussed. TIMELINE: 0:00 Introduction 1:11 Risk factors 1:33 Epidemiology 2:22 Signs and symptoms 2:55 Polyuria 4:21 Polydipsia 4:48 Polyphagia 5:25 Weight loss 6:04 Dehydration 6:46 Blurred vision 7:08 Fatigue and Lethargy 6:22 Increased risk of infections 7:59 Delayed wound healing 8:09 Diabetic ketoacidosis 12:35 Complications 13:44 Associated conditions

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