Meraj about 7 years ago
what is Dx..?

what is Dx..?

Top rated comment
about 7 years ago

Exophtalmic goiter (graves disease)

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about 7 years ago

Graves disease?

about 7 years ago


about 7 years ago


about 7 years ago

Graves Disease

about 7 years ago

Graves disease

about 7 years ago

Basedow's disease aka Graves disease

about 7 years ago


about 7 years ago

I knw Grave's disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.

about 7 years ago

yes you are true alternately but its sign of the graves desease

about 7 years ago

Grave's disease

about 7 years ago

Graves disease it is

about 7 years ago

Graves disease. I knew a classmate in high school who died from it during senior year. He was a cool kid.

about 7 years ago

He had a heart attack.

about 7 years ago

sory .. what is his cause of death? cardiac problem?

about 7 years ago


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