Vinayakalmost 3 years ago
Tetralogy of Fallot

Tetralogy of Fallot

#VSD #PULMONARY INFUNDIBULAR STENOSIS #OVERRIDING OF AORTA #RIGHT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY 1)Right ventricular hypertrophy due to pulmonary stenosis, causing increased right ventricular pressure and right to left shunt, till the pressure in both ventricles pressure balances. 2)More severity of pulmonary stenosis again cause right to left shunt. 3)P2 reduced in intensity due to stenosis. 4)loud A2 and ejection systolic murmur. 5)clubbing, cyanosis, prominent a wave, squatting posistion. 6)couer in sabot appearance of pulmonary artery 7)enlarged right aortic arch,ventricular hypertrophy 8)

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