Abeer Fatima
Abeer Fatimaover 2 years ago
Which Medications May Cause Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Which Medications May Cause Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?

Steven-Johnson syndrome is a rare, life-threatening side effects of several prescribed medications. It refers to formation of macules on skin and mucous membranes that coalesce to form larger macules, blisters, and eventual necrosis and shedding. The basis of Steven-Johnson Syndrome is a hypersensitivity reaction to the drugs. The prescription drugs associated with Steven-Johnson Syndrome are: - Lamotrigine - Allopurinol - Acetaminophen - Ibuprofen - Penicillin - Naproxen - Barbiturates - Sulfa drugs - Anticonvulsants Reference: Image via:

Top rated comment
over 2 years ago

And the treatment???

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