TurabUlHaqover 6 years ago
Intragluteal Injections

Intragluteal Injections

The gluteal region (buttocks) is a common site for intra muscular (IM) injection of drugs. Gluteal IM injections penetrate the skin, fascia, and muscles. The gluteal region is a common injection site because the muscles are thick and large; consequently, they provide a substantial volume for absorption of injected substances by intramuscular veins. It is important to be aware of the extent of the gluteal region and the safe region for giving injections. Some people restrict the area of the buttocks to the most prominent part. This misunderstanding may be dangerous because the sciatic nerve lies deep to this area. Injections into the buttocks are safe only in the superolateral quadrant of the buttocks or superior to a line extending from the PSIS to the superior border of the greater trochanter (approximating the superior border of the gluteus maximus)

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