Hiba Saleem
Hiba Saleemover 3 years ago
Erythema Infectiosum | Fifth Disease

Erythema Infectiosum | Fifth Disease

Erythema infectiosum, also known as fifth disease, is a viral infection caused by an erythrovirus, EVB19 or Parvovirus B19. It is a common, contagious childhood illness but it can also affect adults. It is characterized by a blotchy, slapped-cheek appearance and rash. The virus spreads via droplets and has an incubation period of 7-10 days. Symptoms include a mild fever and headache followed by the formation of rash and firm red cheeks that are burning hot. Few days later a pink rash develops on the limbs and/or trunk resulting in a lace-like or network pattern. Generally, there's no specific treatment as the rash resolves within 6 weeks. However, certain measures like application of an ice-cold flannel aids in relieving the burning sensation of the cheeks. In adults the virus can cause complications like aplastic crisis or encephalitis. In such complicated cases the condition needs to be treated accordingly.

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