Maryam Batool
Maryam Batoolabout 3 years ago
5 signs of appendicitis

5 signs of appendicitis

1)Mcburneys sign: Mcburney’s sign which is also called Mcburney’s point tenderness is when the most tender area of the patient's body is 1.5 inches from the anterior superior iliac spine in the direction of the umbilicus. 2)Guarding and Rebound tenderness: Guarding is the phenomena in which abdominal muscles tense up when the doctor is palpating. Rebound tenderness is when there is pain after pressure is released while palpating. 3)Rovsing sign: It means that there is tenderness in RLQ when palpating LLQ. 4)Obturator sign. 5)Psoas sign.

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