Hiba Saleem
Hiba Saleemover 1 year ago
Ichthyosis Vulgaris

Ichthyosis Vulgaris

Ichthyosis vulgaris is an inherited skin condition characterized by excessive, dry scaly skin which is why it's also known as the fish scale disease. It is thought to be due to mutations in a gene that is responsible for encoding fillagrin. Fillagrin helps to maintain the pH of the skin and retain the skin's moisture. The severity of the disease varies in each individual but the chief clinical presentation is xerosis or extremely dry skin. Xerosis spares the skin folds like the axilla and neck but it greatly affects the extensor aspects of the limbs, scalp and the central portion of the face. Apart from this there may be painful fissuring of the palms and soles. 50% of the affected individuals also tend to have atopic dermatitis. The treatment involves the use of emollients like lanolin cream and lotions like glycolic or salicylic acid. These help to hydrate the skin and reduce the scaling, thickening and fissuring of the skin. Moreover, bathing in salt water and gently rubbing a pumice stone on the skin also helps to decrease the thickening of the skin.

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