Ramsha Zaheer
Ramsha Zaheer19 days ago
Ogilvie Syndrome

Ogilvie Syndrome

Ogilvie syndrome is an unusual problem in which signs, symptoms, and radiographic evidence of large bowel obstruction are present, but there is no mechanical obstruction. Common causes include; recent surgery or trauma, serious medical illness like sepsis or malignancy, and medications like narcotics, psychotropic drugs, and anticholinergics. The diagnosis cannot be confirmed until mechanical obstruction of the colon is excluded. Treatment consists of stopping the offending agent and supportive measures (IV fluids and electrolyte repletion). Decompression with gentle enemas or nasogastric suction may be helpful. If these measures fail, colonoscopic decompression is usually successful. Surgical decompression with cecostomy or colostomy is a last resort.

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