Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatalmost 4 years ago
Nails in the skull

Nails in the skull

44-year-old man came to the emergency department wearing a baseball cap and complaining of severe headaches that had progressively worsened over the preceding 11 weeks. when the patient removed his cap to it was revealed that an assortment of metallic objects are embedded in his scalp. Plain radiographs showed 11 nails penetrating into his brain.  His detailed history presented a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, and the patient confirmed that he had hammered a nail into his head each week for the past 11 weeks in order to rid him of evil. The nails were removed with the patient under general anesthesia, and he made an uncomplicated recovery with no neurological deficits Image by : Full article at:

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almost 4 years ago

What the hell....😱

almost 4 years ago


almost 4 years ago

I think word "illusion" would be more accurate than "delusion"

almost 4 years ago

Were the nails embedded between the skull and brain, was he sent to a psychiatric hospital for further evaluation, what kind of fallow up was done?

almost 4 years ago

The nails were penetrating all the way to the brain and yet he recovered from the injury and was sent to the psychiatry for follow up.

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