Abeer Fatima
Abeer Fatima3 months ago
Leather-Bottle Appearance of the Stomach: Linitis Plastica

Leather-Bottle Appearance of the Stomach: Linitis Plastica

The most common cancer of stomach is adenocarcinoma. One of the variants of gastric adenocarcinoma is linitis plastica. muscularis, thereby causing it to become more rigid and thicker. The change in morphology of stomach results in inability to expand to accommodate the food resulting in abdominal discomfort. The diagnosis of linitis plastica is almost always delayed due to its asymptomatic nature. It is usually diagnosed when it metastasizes. The management plan of linitis plastica involves surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Gastrectomy is not always possible due to spread of disease. Radiotherapy aids in relieving the symptoms. Chemotherapy is employed when when surgery is not possible. Reference:,called%20a%20leather%20bottle%20stomach. Image via

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