Mishal Shan
Mishal Shanover 1 year ago
Diagnosing Lead Poisoning

Diagnosing Lead Poisoning

The image above shows a bluish line on the gums. This is referred to as Burton's line and it is one of the signs seen in lead poisoning. Lead is a heavy metal toxic to man. The most severe effects are seen on the central nervous system, the presentation of which ranges from insomnia and tremors to significant cognitive decline and convulsions. It leads to microcytic anemia. Other signs and symptoms include colicky abdominal pain, renal dysfunction, parasthesias, neuropathies and even reproductive problems. The condition can be diagnosed by measuring serum lead levels and observing basophilic stippling in peripheral blood smear. While treatment largely involves chelation, lead poisoning is preventable in most cases. This involves avoidance of certain types of paints, minimizing the use of lead containing pipes, jewelry and utensils, and ensuring that your water supplies are safe. Image via:

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