Mia about 3 years ago

Hi all. How are you all coping with COVID? Can someone please explain cancerous and non cancerous tumours to me please? As in their proper names, stages etc. Thanks

Top rated comment
about 3 years ago

Generally you have benign and malignant tumours. Benign meaning they are a mass of cells that don't have the ability to metastasize and they resemble the tissue in which they grow morphologically and functionally. Whereas malignant tumours are your true cancers, they can spread to distal sites (metastaize) and don't resemble the tissue in which they grow (anaplastic). Benign tumours always end in the suffix "'-oma" and malignant tumours of epithelial origin end in "carincoma" and malignant tumours of mesenchymal origin end in "sarcoma". Hope this helps!

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