Dressler syndrome is a form of pericarditis, which may occur weeks or months after myocardial infarction. It is characterized by persistent fever and pericarditis along with associated pleuritic pain. Pleural effusion may or may not be present, depending on severity. The possible etiology of post-myocardial pericarditis is autoimmune inflammatory reaction. Similar presentation may arise after trauma to pericardium, heart surgery, and pericarditis. The differential diagnosis of Dressler syndrome is pulmonary embolism; hence it should be ruled out. The management plan aims at reducing the pain and inflammation. High dose aspirin, glucocorticoids and NSAIDs should be administered. Source Dressler Syndrome https://www.omicsonline.org/brazil/dresslers-syndrome-peer-reviewed-pdf-ppt-articles/ Image via https://www.omicsonline.org/brazil/dresslers-syndrome-peer-reviewed-pdf-ppt-articles/