Dermatomyositis is an immune mediated inflammatory disorder affecting the skin and muscles. The shawl sign is a characteristic pattern of rash seen in this disease. It is characterized by an erythematous, scaly rash on the skin of upper back and shoulders. This peculiar skin distribution earns it the name of shawl sign. Dermatomyositis may also be present as a paraneoplastic phenomenon. Screening for relevant malignancies is important in people diagnosed with this condition.
Can you mention the reason behind this particular site of the rash?
O yeah... this makes sense..... thanks Mishal for giving explanation. Good jobπ
I haven't been able to find a suitable explanation for this particular site involvement. However, the rash is likely immune mediated and UV rays may also have a role, thus, explaining why the V of the neck is involved anteriorly and the upper shoulders and back are affected posteriorly.
Mainstay- Glucocorticoids If no response- Add methotrexate/ azathioprine/ mycophenolate mofetil For skin predominant disease, hydroxychloroquine or mepacrine can also be used.