Harmla Hussain
Harmla Hussainalmost 2 years ago
What is Wooly Hair Nevus Syndrome?

What is Wooly Hair Nevus Syndrome?

Wooly hair nevus is a very rare nonhereditary disease involving structural defects in the hair shaft. It mostly affects Caucasians and Asians, in the early years of life. The patients typically present with sparse, thin, hypopigmented and curly hair restricted to a limited area of the scalp. It is believed that wooly hair syndrome also exhibits cutaneous, renal, ophthalmological and auditory manifestations. Trichoscopy often reveals a thin irregular hair shaft with a ‘Snake crawl appearance'. Unfortunately, no effective treatment has been discovered yet. However, some degree of improvement has been reported by topical Minoxidil. Source: Gomes, T. F, Guiote, V., & Henrique, M. (2020). Woolly hair nevus: case report and review of literature. Dermatology Online Journal, 26(1). Retrieved from

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