Dr. Subham Sharma
Dr. Subham Sharmaabout 4 years ago
Brain injury

Brain injury

16 year old boy survived after being implanted in the head by a fishing spear.The x ray image showed that the spear had went all the way through Lopez's head at the angle that just missed his eyes and dodged all the major blood vessels in his brain.Doctor said that it had propelled through the right hemisphere of the boy's brain,juat less than 1 inch above the central brain that control the senses,heart rate and breathing.Fire rescued tool is used to cut the spear so that proper x ray should be taken.Rest of the spear is removed in 3 hour surgery.The boy doesn't remember the accident.

Top rated comment
about 4 years ago

Why he does not remember the accident?!

about 4 years ago

Omg such a tragic hope he’s doing fine

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