Incentive spirometer

Incentive spirometer

Incentive Spirometer : is a useful device that improves ability to take deep and slow breaths, also it's helpful to clear secretions that stuck in airway tract. In which situation we need this device? 1)Postoperative : after a surgery patient may afraid of breathing as a normal way because of pain and opening of stitchs especially in abdominal and Thoracic surgeries so using this device will be really helpful to motivate them and increase quality of breathing, or after long stay under anesthesia (general or local) lungs became really lazy and secretions start to accumulate, recommending complete bed rest is worsening the condition if we don't do anything about, one of several ways is using incentive spirometer until the patient can move and cough without any problem, it can help with these common problems : -Pneumonia -Atelectasis -Bronchospasm -Respiratory failure 2)Pneumonia : if patient already have pneumonia using this incentive spirometer will decrease the amount of accumulated fluid by improve proper coughing. 3)Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) : Most affected people are smokers and till now there is not any treatment that eradicate it completely just symptomatic treatment and changing lifestyles by quiet smoking, some special exercises and using this device will improve breathing. 4)Cystic fibrosis : this disease causes accumulating thick mucus inside lungs that lead to partial or complete closure of bronchioles and bronchials this device prevent worsening by destroy this huge accumulated mucus particles to tiny ones and removing it by coughing. 5)Some other conditions that make doctor recommend incentive spirometer are : -Sickle cell anemia : patient will have lack of oxygen because of abnormal shape and function of red blood cells. -Rib fractures : pain and overcarefullness may prevent proper breathing. -Atelectasis -Asthma --------------------------------------- References : 1) 2) 3)

Top rated comment
almost 4 years ago

It does not prevent bronchspasm sir. It is merely a device for lung expansion therapy. An exercise if you will. Proper technique must be taught or the device is useless.

Thank you

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