Reginaldo Castro
Reginaldo Castroalmost 6 years ago
Desquamative lesion on cervical area

Desquamative lesion on cervical area

Male 4 months old. Four days ago began a desquamative lesion on scalp near the ear area. Mother changed the child's shampoo 1 week ago. There are also erythematous plaques on the cervical area that show superficial desquamative lesion. The mother said that she is giving cow's milk to the child. Diagnosis? Treatment?

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almost 6 years ago

Do you mean clavicle area? And not cervical 🤔

almost 6 years ago

Cervical relates to the neck, so i think they meant what they put 😁

almost 6 years ago

Seborreic dermatitis , dermatitis seborreica.

almost 6 years ago

Thanks, but this isn’t relevant for case. I am from Brasil and I have difficulty with the English language.

almost 6 years ago

Clearly it is relevant because the clavicle and cervix is at either end of the human body.

almost 6 years ago

Ok. Sorry.

almost 6 years ago

No need to apologise I’m just pointing it out. Sorry if I caused any upset

almost 6 years ago

I’ve never heard of cervical meaning neck ever? but if it does i stand corrected 🤔

almost 6 years ago

Cervical as in cervical spine

almost 6 years ago

No Clare. I thank you for your words. I have to learn more and more.

almost 6 years ago

I believe you are correct, I’ve never heard the term used for the neck but it’s used for narrow passages as well to other areas. I stand corrected and am sorry to you also Reginaldo. Something new I’ve learnt myself from another persons comments which are appreciated and welcomed. 😊

almost 6 years ago

Allergic dermatitis

almost 6 years ago

Dermatitis allergic e.c cow milk. You should stop giving the formula milk from cow. Use breast milk instead.

almost 6 years ago

Allergic dermatitis

almost 6 years ago

I can’t tell what this is a picture of

almost 6 years ago

It’s the neck crease of a 4 month old baby boy


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