Latifa ALEEMIalmost 5 years ago
💥#Cor_pulmonale ⬅
is defined as an alteration in the structure and function of the right ventricle (RV) of the heart caused by a primary disorder of the respiratory system. Pulmonary hypertension is often the common link between lung dysfunction and the heart in cor pulmonale. Right-sided ventricular disease caused by a primary abnormality of the left side of the heart or congenital heart disease is not considered cor pulmonale, but cor pulmonale can develop secondary to a wide variety of cardiopulmonary disease processes. Although cor pulmonale commonly has a chronic and slowly progressive course, acute onset or worsening cor pulmonale with life-threatening complications can occur.
Peripheral edema
chest pain

💥#Cor_pulmonale ⬅ is defined as an alteration in the structure and function of the right ventricle (RV) of the heart caused by a primary disorder of the respiratory system. Pulmonary hypertension is often the common link between lung dysfunction and the heart in cor pulmonale. Right-sided ventricular disease caused by a primary abnormality of the left side of the heart or congenital heart disease is not considered cor pulmonale, but cor pulmonale can develop secondary to a wide variety of cardiopulmonary disease processes. Although cor pulmonale commonly has a chronic and slowly progressive course, acute onset or worsening cor pulmonale with life-threatening complications can occur. 💥#sign_and_symptoms◀️ Dyspnea Tacycardia Peripheral edema chest pain Cyanose Palpetation coughing wheezing

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almost 5 years ago


almost 5 years ago


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almost 5 years ago

Bahut badya✌😁

almost 5 years ago

Mehrabani G

almost 5 years ago

Nice Information

almost 5 years ago


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