What are the best medical books or learning resources or web links out there to use for college... Any ideas
ALL MEDICAL BOOKS IN SOFT. *Complete package including links to download all the pdf books you will need in MBBS* :- Anatomy: 1--> KLM for Gross Anatomy 2--> Snell's Anatomy 3--> BD Churassia 4--> RJ Last 5--> Grey's Anatomy 6--> Langman Embryology 7--> KLM for Embryology 8--> BD For General Anatomy 9--> Dissector 10--> Di Fore Histology 11--> Junqueira's Histology 12--> Netter Atlas of human Aantomy Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LYV9KQ3lxY29FY28 Physiology:- 1--> Guyton 2--> Ganong 3--> Sheerwood 4--> Sembulingam Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LdXlCSjdZM214dEE Biochemistry:- 1--> Harper 2--> Lippincott 3--> Chatterjea 4--> Satyanarayan 5--> Stryer 6--> MRS Biochemistry Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0Ld0o3WnhCR2VEczg Pathology:- 1--> Big Robins 2--> Medium Robins 3--> Pathoma 4--> Goljan 5--> Harsh Mohan Pathology 6--> Atlas of Histopathology 7--> Levinson 8--> MRS microbiology 9--> Microbiology by Jacquelyn G. Black 10--> Color Atlas of Microbiology 11--> Kaplan Pathology Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LYkRYdjFrTm5MR0U Pharmacology:- 1--> Big Katzung 2--> Mini Katzung 3--> Kaplan Review 4--> Lippincott 5--> Pocket Katzung 6--> Rang and Dale's Pharmacology 7--> Atlas of Pharmacology Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LMkE1UUVRZGwtTlU Forensic Medicine:- 1--> Simpson's Forensics 2--> Krishan's Forensics 3--> Atlas of Autopsy 4--> Atlas of Forensic Medicine Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LQXVwOGoyWnFSV2s Ophthalmology:- 1--> Jogi 2--> Jatoi 3--> Parson's Textbook of Eye 4--> Kanski 5--> AK Khurana 6--> Atlas of ophthalmology Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LOHc5WVZMdkJjX2M Otorhinolaryngology:- 1--> Dhingra 2--> Logans Turner 3--> Color Atlas of Otorhinolaryngology 4--> Maqbool's Text Book of ENT 5--> Clinical Methods in ENT by PT Wakode 6--> ENT at a Glance Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LaDY2a0lFNDlfTGc Community Medicine:- 1--> Monica's Text Book Community Medicine 2--> Mahajan And Gupta Text Book of Community Medicine 3--> Bancroft's Text Book of Community Medicine Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0Lc1RCMml2NjhFNjA Medicine:- 1--> Churchill's Pocketbook of DD 2--> MTB Step 2 Ck 3--> Davidson Essentials 4--> Davidson Principals and practice 5--> Harrison's Internal Medicine 6--> Internal Medicine USMLE Nuggets 7--> Internal Medicine on call bt LANGE 8--> Oxfords Specialties Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LeEFJNG5TMlc4eWc Surgery:- 1--> Bailey_love short practice of Surgery 2--> Churchill's pocketbook of Surgery 3--> Deja Review of surgery 4--> Farquharson's Textbook of Operative General Surgery 5--> Hamilton Bailey’s Physical Signs 6--> Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery 7--> Schwartz's Principles of Surgery 8--> Macleod's Clinical Examination 9--> Macleod's Clinical Diagnosis Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LRFpFSG5hZ1pVWkE Obstetrics & Gynecology:- 1--> Case Discussions in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2--> Deja Review of Obstetrics Gynecology 3--> Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 4--> Gynaecology illustrated 5--> Gynaecology by Ten Teachers Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LMU1LRjFDa1FrbjA Pediatrics:- 1--> Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics[ 2--> Nelson Complete 3--> Pediatrics Review Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LUkdTQkVuNV92Yzg 1st Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0Lay1HT1d5Yks5V0U 2nd Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LemtmYXpYMGlydVk 3rd Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LWmlCSHBpUFpPZU0 4th Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LbnJvUzk3NHRhWWc One Link For All eBooks--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LQW5tbWEtUmJJY0k
What's your major? I have many books, give me your email and subjects I'll share
yvesvvs@gmail.com could you please send anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, medicine, pharmacology, and surgery. I’m new and want to learn and read as much as possible. Would be highly appreciated, going into psychiatric nursing if you have any books on neurology or pyschology would be cool too
Corneliashigwedha@gmail.com Surgery and obs and gynecology books Thank you I will appreciate
Am unable to open the links up but i would love to download tbose books apart from the onea of anatomy, physology and biochestry..... Can someone send the rest on my email.??? wanronnie008@gmail.com. thanks