1-Tachyarrhythmia:- heart rhythm with a ventricular rate of 100 beats/min or greater. 2-Tachyauxesis:- Type of growth in which a part grows more rapidly than the whole. 3-Tachycardia:- an abnormally rapid heart rate which will turn into heart attack & myocardial infarction. 4-Tachylalia or Tachylogia:- extremely rapid speech. 5-tachypnoea abnormally:- rapid breathing. 6-Tachytrophism:- rapid or increased metabolism. 7-Tachyphylaxis:- an acute, sudden decrease in response to a drug after its administration [common with drugs acting on the nervous system]. 8-tachyphasia:- excessively rapid or voluble speech. 9-tachyphagia:- Excessively rapid eating or bolting of food.