Abdullah AlFitouri
Abdullah AlFitouri8 months ago
Pleas read about B17

Pleas read about B17

Laetrile (amygdalin or vitamin B17) treatment for cancer . . How Does It Work? The body breaks down laetrile into three compounds: hydrogen cyanide, benzaldehyde and prunasin Hydrogen cyanide appears to be the main compound responsible for its health benefits. It is also thought to be the primary anticancer ingredient in laetrile Certain enzymes in the body convert hydrogen cyanide into a less toxic molecule called thiocyanate. This molecule was previously used to treat blood pressure, as it may dilate blood vessels. It was later discontinued because of its toxic effects There are four possible theories on how laetrile may fight cancer, though these theories are not supported by scientific evidence. Two theories state that cancer cells are rich in enzymes that convert laetrile into cyanide. Since cyanide kills cells, this means that cancer cells may break down laetrile and kill the cancer However, there is no evidence that cancer cells contain the enzymes that help convert laetrile into cyanide The third theory suggests that cancer is caused by a deficiency in vitamin B17 (amygdalin). No evidence proves that amygdalin is actually a vitamin. It is also not naturally found in the body, and your body cannot be deficient in amygdalin The last theory proposes that hydrogen cyanide, which is made by breaking down laetrile, will make cancer cells more acidic and cause them to die. But hydrogen cyanide does not differentiate and may also kill healthy cells as well as cancer cells Side effects Laetrile contains cyanide. So the side effects of laetrile are the same as those of cyanide. These include: • fever • sickness • headaches • dizziness • liver damage • drooping eyelids • a lack of oxygen to the body tissues • a drop in blood pressure • nerve damage, causing loss of balance and difficulty walking • confusion, coma and eventually death Avoid eating other foods containing amygdalin if you take laetrile as tablets. This may include foods like: • raw almonds • carrots • celery • apricots • peaches • bean sprouts • beans – mung, lima, butter and other pulses • nuts • flax seed • high doses of vitamin C • crushed fruit stones or pips

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