Wizzy2 months ago
Eczema or not?

Eczema or not?

This 50 Y/o F patient presents with skin lesions, upon testing the patient is negative for diabetes and hypertension. However the BMI rests at 29.1 kg/m2 bordering with obesity, her stature sits at 149.8 cm and 65.8 kg. The lesions are present bilaterally on the right lower extremity below the knee joint with signs first appearing on the right leg on 13/03/2017 and increasing in size and changing of colour from the dark hyperpigmentation to a tender pink lesions with oedema, the signs have carried over to the left leg on 26/05/2019 upon physical examination there is no pain. Her local Dermatologist has diagnosed the condition as eczema and prescribed a topical ointment (Doublebase gel which contains Isopropyl Myristate 15% w/w; Liquid Paraffin 15% w/w ) for skin hydration and reduce itching and inflammation. What is your differential diagnosis and prognosis?

Top rated comment
almost 5 years ago

I have seen this in ppl who have Venous or poor circulation issues. Has any kind of ultrasound been preformed to check for venous insufficiency ?

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