If you commonly use any harsh cleaning products without wearing gloves, it could very well be Contact Dermatitis. Easily fixed with a high strength lotion/moisturizer, OTC or prescription.
Could be dry skin from a dry climate, or other things. I’d suggest using a high strength skin moisturizer to see if it helps.
Make sure you are not dehydrated! Drink, drink, drink water! Also, if you are scrubbing into surgery, you may be sensitive to the cleaner.
Patient might be a consumer of alcohol, If he or she is ask to stop it and ask to drink more water in order to rehydrate the organsim
Allergic contact dermatitis. ..may be due to detergent. Avoid the offending agents or use hand gloves while handling the offending agent.Moisturiser & low potency steroid lotion will be the treatment.
Its EXFOLIATIVE KERATOLYSIS,..........Treat with 12℅ lactic acid or 6℅ salicyclic acid...i recommend to change your handwash or soap...