Dr. Sáïshă
Dr. Sáïshă about 2 years ago
Normal pressure hydrocephalus

Normal pressure hydrocephalus

Normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), also called communicating hydrocephalus/ malresorptive hydrocephalus, is a condition in which (CSF) occurs in the ventricles with normal or slightly elevated csf pressure. Classic triad of symptoms include urinary incontinence dementia Abnormal gait Diagnosis - Patients with suspected NPH should have typical symptoms in addition to ventricular enlargement on neuroimaging(CT and MRI). Treatment strategy - The treatment of choice is a surgical placement of "ventriculoperitoneal shunt" to drain excess CSF. No medications are effective for primary NPH. Acetazolamide and other diuretics are not recommended except for limited use in patients who are not willing to have the surgery done.

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