Rutuja Mokal
Rutuja Mokalover 6 years ago


Anencephaly is the absence of a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp that occurs during embryonic development.It is a cephalic disorder that results from a neural tube defect that occurs when the rostral (head) end of the neural tube fails to close, usually between the 23rd and 26th day following conception. This baby was born without brain as the mother was scared of getting fat so she decided to diet and was on two slices of bread with little to no rice. No protein , no folic acid intake and this lead to anencephaly!

Top rated comment
over 6 years ago

What was the mother thinking?

over 6 years ago

Dear Janette, of course you are entitled to you opinion. However, I believe that as a healthcare worker it’s is best not to publicly state personal opinions. People do stupid things and should feel safe when coming to for instance an emergency department). As for the article; I do not see a link to the article, when writing my comment I did not know she chose to diet. I agree with you that this might not have been the smartest choice as pregnant women should consult with their OBGYN/midwife when starting a diet. I do not want to attack anyone personally, but this is an open platform with a lot of young people. In these times it’s easy to give a comment without thinking about the consequences (eg the mother reading it).

over 6 years ago

Irene the article says she "decided to diet" not that she did not have good nutrition available to her....there is way more to this story than was written here. I would never not show compassion to this woman as a health care worker, but I'm entitled to my opinion

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over 6 years ago

Poor child....RIP😞

over 6 years ago

sorry for this 💔

over 6 years ago

So terrible, Rest In Peace

over 6 years ago

Truly truly shocking

over 6 years ago

Poor child

over 6 years ago

how do you know this wasn’t from the Zika virus passed through infected mosquito bites because this is a problem caused by them also.. ? 🤔🤔

almost 6 years ago

Zika virus can lead to microcephaly, not anencephaly. Still, I find it difficult to understand how they attributed it entirely to the mother’s eating habits, especially since the eating habits described likely would have lead to miscarriage early in pregnancy.

over 6 years ago


almost 6 years ago

It’s my understanding that the causes of anencephaly are disputed and it would be unlikely that this case could be entirely attributed to mother’s diet during pregnancy.

almost 2 years ago

Do they know before birth that baby will have this condition. Can they have an D/C done.

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