Kashmala Khan.
Kashmala Khan.about 1 year ago
Fetus in Fetu.

Fetus in Fetu.

A 4-month- old male Baby undergone successful surgery in the department of Paediatric surgery in a hospital of Larkana, Pakistan to remove a parasitic fetus from his abdomen. This phenomenon is called `Fetus in fetu´ very rare cases happen once in 500000 births and there have been fewer than100 known observed cases worldwide. Child was brought by his parents to our department with the complaint of Abdominal swelling and excessive cry. CT scan was performed to verify a large abdominal mass with calcifications within. Preoperative teratoma diagnosis made, laparotomy performed an encapsulated retroperitoneal mass excised in toto a final diagnosis fetus in fetu confirmed.The miniature fetus was male but not fully developed having had skin covered around, limb buds ,foot, skull, hair, facial expressions, ear, single chamber heart, bowels and scrotum. Host baby is improving postoperatively.

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