Medicalpediaabout 7 years ago
Ever wondered what a torn iris looked like?
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Ever wondered what a torn iris looked like?

Patient had suffered a penetrating injury with a pencil to the left eye as a child, that was surgically repaired. She was ok untill 3 weeks ago when she was diagnosed with an iris epithelial inclusion cyst. Iris cysts can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary cysts have no known cause and arise from the iris pigment epithelium or stroma. Secondary iris cysts can form as a result of epithelial inclusion, as a response to medication such as prostaglandin analogues or indirect acting cholinergic agonists or from cysticercus infection.

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about 7 years ago

iris prolapse

almost 7 years ago

It's terrific but so wonderful! It what are the consequences of this? Could she lost her eye?

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