Medicaltalks about 4 years ago
Cross section of the human kidneys
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Cross section of the human kidneys

The kidneys are the waste filtering and disposal system of the body. As much as 1/3 of all blood leaving the heart passes into the kidneys to be filtered before flowing to the rest of the body’s tissues. While a person could live with only one functioning kidney, our kidneys are vital organs; the loss of both kidneys would lead to a rapid accumulation of wastes and death within a few days time.They are bean-shaped organs approximately 12cm long, extending from vertebral level T12 to L3. The right kodney is positioned slightly lower than the left because of the mass of the liver. In cross section, this normal adult kidney demonstrates the lighter outer cortex and the darker medulla, with the renal pyramids into which the collecting ducts coalesce and drain into the calyces and central pelvis.Photo credit to @n_d_e

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about 4 years ago

My uncle had kidney failure and went on a type of manual filtration system. What is that's and how does it work

about 4 years ago

U mean a dialysis right? It basically pulls out your blood into the machine itself. There it will filter your blood from its waste products and excess electrolytes and once ur filtered blood has passed through the machine it will be send back into your body. In other words it mimics the "cleaning" part of ur kidneys.

about 4 years ago

Can we tell if this is a right or left kidney just by looking at it?

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