Josef Dolotina Quieta
Josef Dolotina Quietaover 5 years ago


Appendicitis is a condition where your appendix becomes inflamed. It is considered as one of the most common surgical emergencies. It is most commonly caused by fecalith or hardened stool that blocks your appendix. Other causes includes parasites, tumors and lymphatic hyperplasia. It commonly occurs in adolescents. Signs and symptoms include right lower quadrant pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, leucocytosis, rebound tenderness and etc. This condition is most commonly diagnose clinicially. Complications of this condition includes perotonitis, sepsis and even death. Definitive tx is appendectomy.

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

Thanks for your informations I did operation 8 days ago but I still have several pain in same place I am taking in a day 4 time tramadol but no working can I get some information why I have that much pain please help me with that thank you by najma

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