Congenital glaucoma due to anomaly of angle of anterior chamber which may be in the form of mesodermal membrane at it. IOP increases and cause stretching of eye coats. Sclera become thin and uvea shines through it leading to blue appearance. Abnormal enlargement of the globe (OX eye)
It depends on corneal diameter :if it is 13mm or less; we do goniotomy(incision in mesodermal membrane) when cornea is clear but when cornea is hazzy due to corneal edema we do trabeculotomy(incision of canal of schlemm to be opened in anterior chamber).... If corneal diameter is more than 13 mm we should do external fistulation by subscleral trabeculectomy to make anterior chamber in communication with subtenon and subconjuctival treatment is only surgical (goniotomy -trabeculotomy-trabeculectomy)