Medicalcortex6 months ago
Which side of your brain do you think is dominant for speech? Ever heard of wada test?

Which side of your brain do you think is dominant for speech? Ever heard of wada test?

WADA testing is a procedure performed during angiography that assesses which side of your brain has your language and memory functions. During the test, one side of the brain is put to sleep (anesthetized) by injecting a medication into the carotid artery. There are 4 to 8 minutes during which the activities of one side of the brain are suspended, so the abilities of the other side of the brain can be tested in isolation. Typical uses of the test include the lateralization of language abilities (the surgeon wants to know if the side of the brain being operated on is the speech side or not), and a determination that the patient will not lose memory after surgery.

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