*Pharmacology Quick Tips You’ll Need* ➡️Administer *librium* during alcohol withdrawal. ➡️ *Antabuse* is given for alcohol deterrence. Do not take over the counter cough medicine. ➡️When taking *hypertensive medications* , teach patient about orthostatic hypotension. Patient must change positions slowly. ➡️Administer *diuretics* in the morning so patient doesn’t constantly wake up to urinate. ➡️Do not given *grapefruits* with: Buspar, Veramapmil, Tegretol, and Simvastatin ➡️ *Rifampin* turns urination orange. ➡️ *Digoxin* = Side effects are increased when the patient is hypokalemic. Monitor the potassium. Digoxin has a negative chronotropic effect (slows the heart rate). Hold the dose if heart rate is less than 60. ➡️ *Digitalis toxicity* = bradycardia, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, nausea, vomiting, and headache. Contact physician as soon as possible. ➡️ *MAOIs* – Do not give food with tyramine as it may cause hypertensive crisis. ➡️Do not give *tetracycline* at bed time. Do not let patients lie down because it might cause gastric reflux. ➡️Do not give *metformin* to someone having procedures with contrast dye. Metformin can cause acute renal failure. ➡️ *Drawing insulin* – (RN), Draw up regular before drawing up NPH. ➡️Never give *potassium* in IV push. ➡️When giving loop diuretics, watch for *potassium depletion.* ➡️ *Disulfiram* is given to alcoholics to curb impulsive drinking. ➡️ *Dopamine* treats cardiogenic shock. ➡️ *Propranolol* is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma. ➡️ *Anticholinergic effect* – patient won’t be able to spit, pee, poop, or see. ➡️ *Carbamazepine* is contraindicated within 14 days of _MAOI_ administration. ➡️ *Anticoagulant drugs* – Monitor PTT for heparin and monitor platelet count, bleeding, and s/s infection. ➡️ *Carafate* is taken before meals. ➡️ *Tagamet* is taken with food. ➡️ *Antacids* is taken after meals.