Dr.rasoulover 5 years ago
ECG challenge

ECG challenge

Based on this tracing, which part of the heart is infarcted? ⠀ ⠀ A. Infero-postero-lateral wall⠀ ⠀ B. Infero-posterior wall and right ventricle⠀ ⠀ C. Infero-postero-lateral and high lateral wall⠀

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over 5 years ago

Right ventricule

over 5 years ago

Inferior-lateral MI. Either Lt Circumflex or Right Coronary artery, depending on patient

over 5 years ago

V1 to V6

over 5 years ago


over 5 years ago

Can y'all explain how in the world you're getting these answers?

over 5 years ago

Firstly let me answer ur question specifically ... for each and every wall of the heart there r specific leads which register electrical activity of heart according to their location on chest ... about this u can read an ecg book Now in this ecg there is intense ST segment elevation especially in 2 , 3 and avf leads which register electrical activity for the inferio-lateral wall of heart(left ventricle)

over 5 years ago

A because it affects the T interval

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