Dr.Shashikala Singh
Dr.Shashikala Singhalmost 7 years ago


Dermatographia is a condition also known as skin writing. When people who have dermatographia lightly scratch their skin, the scratches redden into a raised wheal similar to hives. These marks usually disappear within 30 minutes. It can often be confused with an allergic reaction to the object causing the scratch, when in fact it is the act of being scratched that causes a wheal to appear. These wheals are a subset of urticaria (hives) that appear within minutes, in some cases accompanied by itching.

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almost 7 years ago


almost 7 years ago

Hag out.. Come

almost 7 years ago

Check hag out

almost 7 years ago

R u seen these case clinical

almost 7 years ago


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almost 7 years ago

Is it possible

almost 7 years ago

Is it

almost 7 years ago


over 6 years ago


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