Surgiliciousalmost 6 years ago
Congenital gingival granular cell tumor (CGCT)

Congenital gingival granular cell tumor (CGCT)

Hello guys i have an interesting rare case, hoping enrich your knowledge A 6 days old baby girl came to my hospital sent from far district (2 days with boat trip) with congenital lesion which solitary, pedunculated, flesh pink colored mass on the mouth. After general work up, diagnostic was made as congenital epulis. Surgical excision through eliptical incision to the pedunculated and hemostasis achieved with diathermy. Congenital gingival granular cell tumor (CGCT) also known as congenital granular cell lesion, congenital epulis, congenital myoblastoma or Neumann's tumor (first described by Neumann in 1871) is a rare benign tumor. Present at birth and does not grow much thereafter. Only 10% as multiple. Maxillary to mandibular ratio 3:1, female to male ratio is 8:1. Etiologic factors are uncertain In utero obstruction of the oral cavity can result in ineffective swallowing and can cause polyhidroamnion and post-natal will causing feeding problem or respiration.

Top rated comment
almost 6 years ago

Thanks doctors. This little girl was so lucky and she will be allll right so soon. (Wish that poor people had better and easier access to medical centers)

almost 6 years ago

Yes of course

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almost 6 years ago

đź’• Beautiful little girl

almost 6 years ago

Very interesting case, tx for sharing !

almost 6 years ago

Thankyou for the case.

almost 6 years ago

Lovely result!Ă·đź’š

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