drbilalzafarabout 6 years ago
Cutis Verticis Gyrata

Cutis Verticis Gyrata

Cutis verticis gyrata (CVG) refers to deep folds on the scalp that look similar to the folds of the brain. It occurs more commonly in males, and most commonly develops after puberty, but before age 30. Primary cases can be associated with neuropsychiatric disorders including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, seizures and ophthalmologic abnormalities, most commonly cataracts. Secondary cutis verticis gyrata occurs as a consequence of a number of diseases that produce changes in scalp structure.

Top rated comment
almost 6 years ago

Hello is this disease caused by laced drugs I was exposed to THC or marjuana a while back. If not is this caused by mercury or lead in water. The final question: My scalp looks just like this but I wanted to know does this mean I have brain damage for example how close is the brain to the skull or is this just folds in the skin not the skull (cutis vertices gyrata). email or just respond:

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