Grading of edema

Grading of edema

Pitting edema is graded on a scale from 1 to 4, which is based on both the depth the "pit" leaves and how long the pit remains. A patient with a score of 1 has edema that is slight (roughly 2mm in depth) and disappears rapidly. A score of 2 is deeper (4mm) and disappears within 15 seconds. A score of 3 is deeper yet (6mm), and can last longer than a minute; in stage 3 pitting edema the extremity also looks grossly swollen. Finally, stage 4 is the most severe with deep pitting (8mm or greater in depth) that may last more than 2 minutes Causes Pitting edema is most commonly seen in patients with heart, liver, or kidney failure. These three conditions cause the body to hold onto excess sodium and water. It can also be seen in patient's with rheumatological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritisand systemic lupus erythematosus. Pitting edema can also be seen in patients receiving excess intravenous fluids. Regardless of the cause, the excess fluid leaks out of the capillaries and into the surrounding tissues. When it leaks into the subcutaneous tissues it is seen clinically as pitting edema. It is important to note that if pitting edema is present, the patient may also be "leaking" fluid into the lung's airspaces and abdominal cavity. If significant lung edema is present a patient may experience shortness of breath, and potentially respiratory failure. If edema is present in the abdominal cavity (aka: peritoneal cavity) it is known as ascites.

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