Iqra11 months ago
What kind of emotions do boys go through during puberty?

What kind of emotions do boys go through during puberty?

When your son enters puberty, you may or may not see some emotional upheaval. Increased testosterone coupled with social pressures may cause moody behavior, emotional outbursts and family discord. Parents can typically ride out these issues. Listen actively, and ask when your son wants your opinion and when he just wants to be heard. Keep telling him you love him and are there for him. Step in whenever there are issues of safety or morality, setting loving limits in those instances. If serious emotional problems arise — signs of anxiety, depression or extreme mood swings— it’s important to have him evaluated by his healthcare provider. This can display itself as him withdrawing, choosing not to do things he used to enjoy, isolation from friends and family, or a drop in grades. Emotional issues could be a sign of a mood disorder or other psychological concerns. Medication and/or therapy may be useful in these instances.

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