Iqra4 months ago
Risk factors for otitis media

Risk factors for otitis media

Risk factors for ear infections include: Age: Infants and young children (between 6 months and 2 years) are at a greater risk for ear infections. Family history: Getting ear infections can run in the family. Colds: Having a cold increases your risk of developing an ear infection. Children in daycare and group settings are at a greater risk of ear infections because they’re more likely to be around children with colds or other contagious respiratory illnesses. Chronic illnesses: Long-term illnesses, including immune deficiency and chronic respiratory diseases (such as cystic fibrosis and asthma), can increase your risk of ear infections. Ethnicity: Children who are Native American, Hispanic and Alaska Natives have more ear infections than children of other ethnic groups. Poor air quality and smoky environments: Air pollution and exposure to secondhand smoke increase your risk of getting an ear infection.

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