Iqra5 months ago
Effects of cocaine use

Effects of cocaine use

When cocaine is first used, it produces short-term effects that people may view as desirable. Cocaine side effects are often what make people want to continue using the drug and can include: Feelings of euphoria1,2 Increased energy1,2 Increased alertness1,2 Reduced need to sleep or eat2,3 Talkativeness2,3 Cocaine can also cause short-term physiological and mental changes, including: Abdominal pain2 Anxiety1,3 Dizziness2,3 Increased blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate2,3 Increased sensitivity to sounds, sights, and touch1,2 Irritability1,2 Nausea1,2 Paranoia1,2 Restlessness1,2 Tremors2,3 Volatile or violent behavior1,2 Even if cocaine is only used once, it can cause significant and potentially fatal medical complications.2 These can include:2 Coma Heart attack Irregular heartbeat or changes to the heart rhythm Seizure Stroke

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