Hunainabout 1 year ago
Risk factors of lactose intolerence

Risk factors of lactose intolerence

Factors that can make you or your child more prone to lactose intolerance include: Increasing age. Lactose intolerance usually appears in adulthood. The condition is uncommon in babies and young children. Ethnicity. Lactose intolerance is most common in people of African, Asian, Hispanic and American Indian descent. Premature birth. Infants born prematurely might have reduced levels of lactase because the small intestine doesn't develop lactase-producing cells until late in the third trimester. Diseases affecting the small intestine. Small intestine problems that can cause lactose intolerance include bacterial overgrowth, celiac disease and Crohn's disease. Certain cancer treatments. If you've had radiation therapy for cancer in your stomach or you have intestinal complications from chemotherapy, your risk of developing lactose intolerance increases.

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