Iqraabout 1 year ago
What causes ptosis?

What causes ptosis?

Ptosis causes depend on the type. Some babies are born with ptosis in one or both eyelids (congenital ptosis). Ptosis can occur later in life (acquired ptosis) if the muscles or ligaments that normally raise your eyelid are weakened by injury or disease. Sometimes, the drooping is a result of damage to the nerves that control your eyelid muscles. Diseases and conditions that may result in ptosis include: Stye. Horner syndrome. Myasthenia gravis. Stroke. Tumor. External ophthalmoplegia. Most ptosis just happens with aging. As you age, the skin and muscles of your eyelids stretch and weaken. Sometimes, previous eye surgery speeds up this change because the instruments used to keep your eye open during surgery can stretch your eyelid.

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