Luciferalmost 6 years ago


A 23 days old male patient brought to emergency department after 5 days of increasing vomiting. Physical examination revealed mild dehydration and olive shaped abdominal mass .. diagnosis????

Top rated comment
almost 6 years ago

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, its preference to male gender is quite intriguing. Ddx: obstruction by a mass lesion(given the age).

almost 6 years ago

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

almost 6 years ago

Yeah i just mistyped it, it is actually 23 days that is why i tagged #pedia

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almost 6 years ago

Radiological sign :-Scoliosis Dx:-Pyloric Stenosis

almost 6 years ago

It's a 23 day old. So he isn't exactly gonna cooperate with the radio tech to be placed in optimal position. He was probably just moving or looking around. Not scoliosis.

almost 6 years ago

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis ;UGI Fluoroscopy show :distended stomach ,Caterpillar sign,string sign due to enlarged pylorus with narrow Lumen ,beak sign

almost 6 years ago

Yes it is caterpillar sign which is seen in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis....

almost 6 years ago

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

almost 6 years ago


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