Vijay Kumar
Vijay Kumarover 1 year ago
Respiratory Acidosis

Respiratory Acidosis

Respiratory Acidosis is an acid-base imbalance characterized by increased partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide and decreased blood pH. The prognosis depends on the severity of the underlying disturbance as well as the patient’s general clinical condition. Compensatory mechanisms include (1) an increased respiratory rate; (2) hemoglobin (Hb) buffering, forming bicarbonate ions and deoxygenated Hb; and (3) increased renal ammonia acid excretions with reabsorption of bicarbonate. Causes Chronic obstructive respiratory disorders: emphysema, chronic bronchitis Chest wall trauma Pulmonary edema Atelectasis Pneumothorax Drug Overdose Pneumonia Guillain-Barre syndrome

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