Hunain11 months ago
Complications of babesiosis

Complications of babesiosis

Babesiosis can cause life-threatening complications, especially if you have a weakened immune system. They include: Hemolytic anemia. Parasites can destroy so many blood cells that your body can’t make new ones fast enough to replace them. This can lead to heart conditions and heart failure. Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) or liver (hepatomegaly). Splenomegaly can lead to a ruptured spleen. Fluid buildup in your lungs (pulmonary edema). This can make breathing hard and lead to heart or respiratory failure. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). DIC is a problem with how your blood forms clots. It can lead to uncontrollable bleeding (hemorrhage). Other organ damage and failure. This includes acute kidney injury (renal failure) and liver failure.

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